Tuesday, January 9, 2007

At least he has a roof over his head.

Dear Asshole that I had sex with 16 years ago:

Just wanted to let you know that your son had stovetop stuffing today for supper. No, just the stovetop, nothing else.

I thought it would be only prudent that I drop you a line to thank you for withholding the child support yet again, he eats entirely too much anyway.

As always you are the thoughtful parent who thinks of his long term heath, childhood obesity is a real problem with today's kids.

I am sure he would thank you himself, but he says he is too weak. He is such a whiner. Kids today, so spoiled.

What would we do without you?



TooMuchCoffeeLady said...

Kick his ass! (Your ex's, not your son's.) Are you in the US? You should have his wages garnished.

Cause if you really wanted your kid to lose weight, you shouldn't be feeding him carbs.

Evel said...

LOL, He's like every man on my side of the family, eats like a horse and not an ounce of fat.

Anonymous said...

bastard! deadbeats AND! friggin skinny people lol

Anonymous said...

I got one of those assholes too. My father says, and I quote: "I don't know why you ever bothered with the asshole; you already had a perfectly good one of your own."

The girl is 20 - they (the maintenance enforcement program)just got around to squeezing back support out of him last year. Or maybe he finally got a job that isn't under the table. Who knows eh?