Sunday, July 28, 2002

Back biting on BB3.

What a bunch of petty people. They sit around laughing about how gross Gerry is ��he doesn�t wash his hands�, �he doesn�t use soap when he does�, �that scum in the hot tub must be from Gerry�s hemorrhoid cream� �oh I saw him double dipping his chips� collective �EEEWWW�.

I just can�t get over it. It must be great being so perfect. I wish just one of them would pipe up and say�.�Ok, show of hands ladies. How many of you women have NEVER sucked dick�? And you are worried about Gerry not washing his hands? PULEESE! We were treated last night with Lisa instructing the other women on how to give the perfect blow job. Apparently she hasn�t got a problem with the dick directly in her mouth, but she draws the line at the man touching it and then touching her food. What a classy chick.

I have personally witnessed most of them doing something gross.

Chiara dragging her nasty ass across the kitchen counter.

Eric dropping stuff on the floor and putting it back in the fridge.

Amy sneezing into the dish towel and continuing to dry the dishes with it.

Lisa adjusting her thong and then making sandwiches. And she is constantly popping zits on Eric�s back without ever going and washing up afterwards.

Roddy farts constantly, in and out of the hot tub.

Danielle wiping her nose and then tossing salad with her hands.

Josh has gone to the can more than once and not washed his hands afterwards.

The only 2 people that are meticulous about washing before and after handling anything are Jason and Marcellus. They are also the ones who refrain from joining in on the back biting. Jason going so far as to defend Gerry saying, �we all have our quirks.� To which the group promptly tells him to shut up.

I don�t think it has as much to do with hygiene as it has with Gerry not being one of the �beautiful people�. Everyone else is obsessed with their looks. Plucking, tweezing, moisturizing and exfoliating.

And that�s just the men.

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