Monday, June 19, 2006

Something is definitely 'up'.

Ever since that CAP conversation I had with my TM, I feel like something is up. He hasn't mentioned it again and I am feeling a bit uneasy. It's not just that I will be in another project today, so he could CAP me after that. It's not that he hasn't mentioned it and I think it might be a sneak attack.

It's this:
Ever since that day he and the bitch that ratted me out, have been sucking my dick. I don't know how else to describe it.

Both of them have been going the extra mile to be nice to me, compliment me. I ask for a schedule printed off and my TM snaps to attention, sprints to the printer and hand delivers it, generally .... sucking my dick. It's like they heard I was dying and want to make damn sure they are in the will.

My TM even offered to cover my shift if I was not approved for a vacation day on Saturday. But the Rat beat him to it, she was diligent in emailing scheduling department, bullying them into approving my vacation day. Not an easy task since there are only 4 people scheduled and they already approved another girl for Saturday off.

This sort of shit makes me uneasy. Maybe I am dying. Am I dying? What have you heard?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wondered the same with us getting sweet shifts and weekends on the other side of the fence...but for now i say who fuckin cares! gimme the good stuff :D