They are just food. Food that, some people believe, if left to multiply like rabbits, would wipe out other food sources. Whether that is true or not, they are just food, and of course pelts. A "significant" source of income in many remote, coastal communities.

So Paul McCartney thinks the seals are cute. Well, so is Bambi, but you aren't trekking through the woods of Tennessee and getting between Bubba and his ten point buck. No. Cuz Bubba would pop a cap in your ass. Whereas Canadians just ask you politely to step aside.
Tragedies have marked the seal hunt this year. More than usual and I can't help but wonder if they are truly accidents.
The Sea Shepherd Society seems to be more aggressive this year compared to other years, (most likely because of Paul) going so far as attempting to water hose sealers as they are walking the ice flows. This is not some cast-a-net-and-haul-it-in operation, you have to get off the boat and walk on the ice flows. Very dangerous work.

"the deaths of four sealers is a tragedy," but added "the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of seal pups is an even greater tragedy."
"They are vicious killers who are now pleading for sympathy because some of their own died while engaged in a viciously brutal activity."
I kid you not!
Oh, but they are surprised by the reception they get when they try to dock at Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. Sailors were quick to make them aware that they were not welcome and cut their lines to set them adrift.

It is not just done, willy nilly, its called management of the fisheries, Paul, go fuck off somewhere!
i agree.
Nobody has the guts to say this out loud!! NOBODY
You just became my hero.
It's disgusting how they villified the seal hunters after their death. Those poor families.
I'm right up there, protesting with you!
KILL them! they are NOT cute and NOT useful...
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