Listen carefully.
Windows 7 IS Vista. Microsoft promised a new OS, but they just upgraded Vista. Took out the annoying stuff and added a few aesthetic components.
Oh no, you say. Its not an upgrade. It's not possible to upgrade from Vista to Windows 7.
Yes, that is just part of the smoke and mirrors.
Bottom line: So far, Windows 7 looks, behaves, and performs almost exactly like Windows Vista. And it breaks all sorts of things that used to work just fine under Vista. In other words, Microsoft's follow-up to its most unpopular OS release since Windows Me threatens to deliver zero measurable performance benefits while introducing new and potentially crippling compatibility issues.
Don't get me wrong. I love Vista. The only people who really hated Vista was Uber Geeks who like to tinker. Pissed that they couldn't just upgrade effortlessly without hardware upgrades. A lot of the problems people had with Vista was with hardware drivers. Which wasn't Microsoft's fault. For more than a year before Vista launched, Microsoft warned hardware vendors that they needed new drivers, even offered to help them develop the drivers. Hardware manufacturers ignored them.
I had no problems with Vista because I built my new computer in anticipation of it, I prepared for it. I purchased hardware that would be compatible with Vista and that already had the drivers in place for it.
Vista is very user friendly, and self healing if you can read and have opposable thumbs. If you had just ignored the hype you could have been enjoying Vista all this time. You will see what I mean now, if you install Windows 7.
You swore you wouldn't install Vista but, Dude, you totally drank the KoolAid.
And *that's* why I now use a Mac.
Oh, don't get me started on MAC's bullshit.
Windows is fine ... for some.
For me, I "grew up" on NT and "cut my teeth" on *nix systems at my first job and worked with them all throughout my career. I am FAR more at home on a *nix system (hence me having Macs all over my house).
But frankly, if I had to choose, I'd choose Mac simply because it hangs together better. How so? Here's a very simple example: when FF dies on a Mac, it leaves all my other apps running as if nothing happened. On a Windows machine... the whole damn thing is likely to hang and crash.
But .. that could be just me being an over-achiever too.
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