He failed his first road test. It happens. Then I pay to have him take a lesson so he would know how to pass the test. Next time his Aunt takes him and when they get there they realize the inspection has expired on the truck and he can't take the test.
I let him drive anyway, and he gets in an accident. Cha Ching!
After all that, he heads out today to take yet another test. He is ready, he has practiced, he has been schooled in how to get past the hard ass that gives the test. The vehicle is inspected and tuned up and insured. What could go wrong.
Snow storm.
His test was at 3:30pm, started coming down hard at 3:24pm.
The lord is trying to tell him something.
The lord has been thwarted. The Boy is legal.
Wow. You need to max out insurance for this boy. If god does not want him to drive, then he needs other forms of protection.
God just wanted to make it fun, boys like a challenge. Now you really never have to leave the house, you can send your new errand boy to Horton's! LOL
Oh your life is so funny. Are you amused by the fact that you are my entertainment for the evening, or slightly disturbed?
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