Saturday, February 1, 2003

Week 1�Unemployed

We are now at week one of unemployment and we are not impressed. (notice how after only a week I start to talk like royalty) I am starting to get shack wacky.

I have been emailing my resume and dropping it off in town. The local call center is �begging� for employees but so far they haven�t called. I know it has only been a week but I am getting antsy. I thought I would take this time to get some things done around the house but it hasn�t turned out that way. I would much rather surf the net than do housework. I mean, given a choice, what would you do? (if you said �housework�, you are a freak.)

I haven�t told my mother that I was let go yet. She is in her 70�s and everything upsets her so I told her I was on vacation. ;-) But I did tell her I was taking this time to look for another job, which she is all for because she knows what an asshole I was working for.

I don�t know if I mentioned this but three days before I was fired, I applied for a mortgage to buy the house that I am in now. One good thing about self employment, the bank doesn�t know when you are not working, so it is still going. It is looking good except for the old mortgage I had with the ex that might fuck me up. Since he is an asshole and let it laps a time or two.

Speaking of the asshole, he was just here picking up The Boy. I can�t believe that after 12 years, he still can�t have a civil conversation with me. I told him about the mortgage (you know, just making conversation) and he said something to the effect that it didn�t concern him and he could care less. I asked him when he expected he would be a grown up, and I could have a real conversation with him. He just looked at me and said, �you grow up�.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten and said, �I swear to god if you say �I know you are but what am I� I am going to scream.

I was hoping some day he would get over it, but it isn�t looking good. Thank God for his girlfriend, she is a sane person and I get along with her a lot better than I ever did him.

Bright side: Any time I think that maybe I might like to have a boyfriend full time, I just talk to him and it cures me of that insane idea.

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