Saturday, March 23, 2002

You know you are getting old when...

Yesterday I realized that when I conclude a business call I say "Okey Doke"

What is THAT about?

I used to be cool, at least I thought I was. Back in school, I hung around with the "wrong" people, smoked dope, skipped school. I only actually got into 2 fights in my life, but I was told recently by someone I went to high school with, that people assumed I was a scrapper, and that is why no one ever got into it with me. Hey, it worked for me.

So what the hell happened? When did I get old? I don't feel old.....but there it was "Okey Doke". How depressing. It got me thinking......what would I give to be back in high school? NOTHING!

But there was one year that I wouldn't mind revisiting.

I had dumped a long term boyfriend and moved in with my best friend. I was attending community college and she was in hairdressing school. It was basically school, party, sleep (a little) and was a vicious cycle. Well school for me lasted about as long as it took my student loan to come in, then I found that there wasn't enough hours in the day to fit in all the partying AND go to of them had to go....I picked school. I have to say that that year was the best in my life. Outsiders looking in probably wouldn't agree. The thing is....I was a big slut.

Well slut might be a strong word, but I was basically living the life of a college boy. I was loving it! And after all...guys do it all the time and it is perfectly acceptable. I have never given a shit what people thought of me, so I had nothing to stop me. And mind you this was back in the 80's when it was still safe to sleep arround, well we thought it was anyway. (Did I just say "mind you"?)

Stop me if I start telling the story of how we had to walk 20 miles to school in 5 feet of snow.

Anyway, we were living the life. Booze and Babes. Then one night I decided to have a joint with a friend. It had been a couple of years since I had. Back in the day I could take half a gram of hash on one knife. Well we lit up this hash joint, and waxed nostalgic, and in about 10 minutes I was asleep. WHAT? You heard put me to sleep, out like a light, right there at the kitchen table. I guess it was the end of an era.

Well not long after my friend got married and we moved out of the bachelor pad. I went back to the old boyfriend. And the year of the sluts was over. What would I give to go back there? To the booze and babes? ANYTHING.

But that is not possible ....I just don't have the bone structure for it anymore. Oh well, we all have to grow up and move on........depressing, isn't it?

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