My boyfriend's back!
The Boy is back.
That little experiment did not go well. The boy was not happy there, and it showed. Although the father did nothing to make it more enjoyable, he was upset that it didn't miraculously work out.
I called him from work last night. When I asked him how it went, telling the boy he would be moving home, he said, "It was the hardest thing I ever had to do." And God help me, I felt sorry for him.
Despite the fact that, for the last 14 years, that man has been treating me like I punched him in the face yesterday, I found myself saying, "At least you tried, everything will work out." (did I just say that?) I told him that spending more quality time together, just the two of them, might turn out better than trying to live together.
I also steered him away from blaming it on the fact that the girlfriend and the boy did not get along. "You can't expect her to, out of the blue, have to deal with a 14 year old that is not hers." (You know the boy has said, at least once, "Your not my mother.") There is a lot more to it but I really hope they don't let this episode come between them.
Anyway, I hope he can keep up the quality time. Right now, they are on their way to work together, just the two of them. I think this will work out better.
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