Thank you, and fuck off.
This is a notification to let you know that your blog, And another thing..., has been rejected for the following reason(s):
Thank you for your blog submission!
Unfortunately, your blog violates our terms of service under the following:
Posts may not include or support:
* Excessive profanity
Great blog otherwise. Sorry :(
Thank you!
What exactly is excessive? They do not elaborate.
I never thought I used profanity excessively. Although they are right in one aspect. I totally support the use of excessive profanity. I buy the ribbons and subscribe to the Canadian Society for the Continued use of Excessive Profanity supporters newsletter.
I can only assume that my use of the word 'fuck' three times (oops, make that four) in the past 8 days is all it took. People just don't like that word. But sometimes it is the only adjective that does it for me.
Oh, he was very nice about it as he told me I was a potty mouth and no advertiser would want to be associated with such a excessive user of profanity. Don't you just love the high moral ground the advertising world is still trying to make us believe they stand on? I mean, really? Are you kidding me? I watch TV. Who do you think you are fooling?
So, I guess I won't get paid for posting. Not with them anyway, not until "you clean up your act, young lady!"
Ya, bite me.
tell em to eat a dick! pro-profanity! hahaha
WTF. Excessive! lol. Forget cleaning up your act - if you did that - we wouldn't want to read you! Your our hero, after all! :)
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