Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hi, My Name is Evel, and I am a professional student.

"Hi Evel!"

Back in training again. One night under my belt. It was pretty boring as far as training goes. When you consider this product has been around since 2001 you can imagine there are some things that even I already know. It was tough keeping my eyes open.

As predicted, the class is full of the tier 2 and 3 techs from the old project. This being the only tech project left it was inevitable. Problem with that? Most of them think they know everything. And one actually does, we will call her....May.

May is the definition of Geek. She is very smart. No, I mean really smart. Unfortunately that means she assumes you are a blithering idiot.

I drag my feet getting to class. Big mistake. The only seat free is next to her. I don't blame anyone, next to her we are all blithering idiots. This can get on a person's nerves pretty quickly. But hey, if your gonna sit someone next to her, it might as well be me. Since I am probably the only one who will not just sit there and suffer in silence.

Didn't take her long to start 'helping' me. I sit down and start looking for the course material. She actually takes over the keyboard since I am apparently not moving fast enough following her instruction. I let her go, because I am already behind.

This gets old really quickly. Finally, as she is showing me the wondrous feature that is 'up one level'.

Have you seen this thing? What will they think of next?

This is where I snap. (you were thinking it would take longer?)

I give her my best 'do I look like an idiot' face, "I know its hard to believe, but I have actually worked on a computer before."

She calmed the fuck down with the 'tech support' after that. You know, once you get past the whole annoying 'brainiac' thing, she is actually interesting to talk to.

And she has chocolate.

And it's all about the chocolate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I deal with people who are technical to a point I don't see how they are functional in life...You're right it's damn annoying dealing with them.