Sunday, June 9, 2002

What Next?

I just had a heart stopping experience, my blog was down all day. I tried to republish, and it kept telling me that there was an error 104 NuPointer or something to that effect. So I am trying to get to my template, to see if anything is wrong, but it is soooo slow that I can't get it to do anything and didn't have the time to sit and wait. Had to go and pick up my mother to take her to church so I left it.

So for two hours I am fretting over what the hell I did wrong and wondering if all my posts and archives are lost forever. Why the fuck didn't I backup everything?

Please God...if you just restore my blog I promise to never procrastinate again.

Ya right, I will backup for a few weeks and slowly slack off. Many of you reading this can identify I am sure.

Anyway, I get home, and just for fun click on my blog, and there it is, perfectly fine.

Good Grief! Does that mean God came through? Shit! Now I have to do what I said I would or suffer the consequences. Unless someone emails me their thesis on the non-existence of God. (PLEASE?)

I don't know, I think God understands by now that I am a lying sack of shit, and probably doesn't listen to a word I say.

So I probably shouldn't worry about being hit by lightning or anything. (Fingers crossed.)

Been trying to publish this entry for 3 hours, blogger site seems to be very very slow. At least I hope it is the site and not my template code. Maybe it�s God getting back at me for the above entry. Hmmm.

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