Sunday, June 23, 2002

Sicko's on every corner.

Sometimes I wonder what the world is coming to.

Everyday you read in the papers and see on tv, people doing vile things.

Like the woman in Calgary who left her 2 children (both under 2) home alone for 10 days, with only one bottle of formula between them. Apparently, she wanted to party with her new boyfriend. Needless to say they starved to death. Then to ad insult to injury when she came home to find them dead, she disposed of one of them in a dumpster, the other she just left there and returned to her boyfriends. Read all about it here.

What the hell is wrong with people? Are we raising a generation of people that just don't give a shit? Who do not value human life? Or is there just something in the water that makes people dumb as posts?

I think maybe the justice system has gotten so "politically correct" that is takes the justice out of everything. Now a days there is an excuse for everything. "Oh, they did something illegal, they must be mentally ill." Well who gives a sweet flying fuck! She may be a nut bar, but she knew enough to lie to the boyfriend and hide the bodies.

I say, if you commit a violent crime, you should suffer the same fate as your victim. Barring that.......I think they should do away with capital punishment and implement, I don't know, something like sandblasting or skinning them like rats.

Personally, I think pedophiles, for instance, should be peeled like grapes. Perhaps if the punishment was really gruesome, people wouldn't be so quick to toss the babies in the dumpster.

I could go on like this for days, but I am getting myself worked up. But you know what would be great? If all those nutbars would just commit their crimes against other nutbars. Like serial killers....if they would, say, only target pedophiles?

Come on guys, don't you think if you were cleaning up the rest of the filth, you might get away with it a little longer? Hell, you might even be considered hero�s. Cleaning up Dodge and all that. You could have competitions with other serial killers, see who could get the most child killers, or rapists.

Just a suggestion.

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