Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Scarred for life?

The boy found my sisters stash in the closet. He comes out of my bedroom holding a can of whipped cream and sprinkles, clearly marked 'body desert topping'.

Remembering the fun I had with the condom wrapper, I was ready for him.

"What the hell is this?"

"What does it look like?"

"Why do YOU have it?"

"Well, if you really want to know..."

He drops it and runs from the room with his hands over his ears.

Could have been worse, he could have found an empty can.

His therapy bill is going to be astronomical. Money well spent.


Anonymous said...

If he gets any good mental health drugs out of the therapy and you find that they don't work let me know. I'm always looking to buy.

Anonymous said...


sure sure .. your 'sister's stash'...... Any comment come A?

Anonymous said...

SCARRED for life...toooo funny!