Thursday, July 11, 2002

Thursday, July 11, 2002...

False Alarm!

Ok, looks like I have to lurk every night on IRC for hours before one of those selfish people give me the code for the feeds. And some of them are very upset that people are getting them for free.

One impassioned plea came from a certain southern bell who will not be named because �.well frankly I can�t remember every moron I meet in IRC�..she writes:

�PLEASE people pay for the feeds, so we can be assured there will be a BB4�

OH PLEASE! I am totally into instant gratification. I don�t give a sweet flyin� flippin� fuck about preserving the legacy for generations to come. I don�t even recycle, even though it�s the law now. I could care less if the minute after I die, the whole planet goes up in smoke. I will be dead. Right now I am alive and I want to watch Big Brother!

I don�t see what the big deal is, its not like CBS is hurtin� for the money. If you can get it for free, more power to ya. And if you are one of the lucky ones (NOT ME!) who has a credit card (long story) then you should share your good fortune with those of us less fortunate. It doesn�t cost you any more than you are already paying, and you get so much more in return.

For one thing, people will be searching you out, being nice to you and hanging on your every word. ;-) or at the very least every keystroke. And think of the power (IRC folks get off on the power) you will wield over others. Deciding who views and who suffers. And if that don�t float your boat, how�s this?

"If you really loved me you would give it to me."

Hey, it worked for the guys, I thought I would give it a shot.

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