Tuesday, July 9, 2002

Buddy? Can ya hook me up, man?

Well, I am completely in a panic now. Big Brother 3 starts tomorrow night and I have yet to find the link for the free feeds.

Last year I found a site that gave you a program to hack the code to see the live feeds for free 24/7. Well I was addicted to it. And if anyone tells you it is not worth it, they didn't see the waterbed footage from BB2. When Will looked at Nichole and gave her a sheepish grin and proceded to piss himself....I thought I would lose my mind.

Anyway, if anyone knows where to get this (can't even remember what the program was called) I will do anything. And I mean anything. Wash your car, clean your house, give you my next born. Hell you can have my first born.

I feel like a junkie coming off some bad shit. Puleese!! people, ask around, whatever help you can give me......I am going into the DT's, and I don't think there is a 12 step program for this.

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