Royal Wedding - The Sequel.
Sonny the Geek has married his second wife, Rebecca. (You remember, the Chinese chick?) He clearly does not deserve her. Then again what man does deserve a good woman? Not many, but with the law of averages being what they are they tend to end up with one, eventually.
We call it the Royal Wedding, cuz my Aunt Trin had 7 children, six girls and Sonny. He is not the baby, he is just the only boy. And you can't tell he is the favorite, except their boat is named 'Hi Son' and their license plates say the same. But they love them all equally. Ya right.
The wedding portion went by without too much problems. Although I wonder who he had to kill to let him have it in a Catholic church. The Catholics are sticklers with divorce. Sonny's first wife turned out to be gay, then after the divorce decided maybe she isn't. Long story.
The most depressing part of these sorts of events is seeing how much your cousins kids have grown. I looked over and thought, "Hey there's cousin wait, is that Edward?" Shit, last time I saw that kid he was maybe 10, now he is totally someone I would try and pick up in a bar. (Yet another reason not to go to bars.) Can you say 'cougar'?
I was sitting too far away from the Politically Incorrect Sisters hear anything juicy, but we still have the reception and dance. Fear not.
I forgot my camera so you will just have to believe me when I say she looked beautiful. I was thinking I could just use the first wedding photos and superimpose her into them, until I saw the dress.(His first wife had no taste, she wore some hippy flower child shit)I am sure everyone was wondering how he managed to hook this one. She really did look hot.

Well I am off to the reception.....later skater.
pleeeeeeease sit with your mom & aunt! I WANNA HEAR STORIES! LOLOL
and nothing about Natalie & Timothy?
and on the Catholic church item.. fyi.. he wasn't married in the Catholic church the first time.. so this is his FIRST wedding as far as the Catholic church is concerned.. ... now I could of said that The Royal Family can make 'arrangements'.. but thought I'd just tell the facts :o)
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