Saturday, July 2, 2005

Good news, bad news.

After being missing for 6 weeks, 8-year old Shasta Groene found at a Denny's Restaurant in Idaho in the company of Joseph Duncan a level three sex offender. Her brother, Dylan Groene, has yet to be found.

Apparently this dick-head has a blog that advocates the non conviction of sex offenders. Stating that "Sex Offender Registration is State Sanctioned Discrimination."

This guy has a string of sex offences in multiple states and has the nerve to blog the following:

"Most sex offenders are just like me, not at all concerned about re-offending since the idea is not even in the realm of possibilities to them. They are hard working responsible law abiding citizens, and in fact on average slightly better adjusted than the average working class person."

So far this 'person' is just a child abductor/abuser but judging from the fact that Shasta's brother is still missing, I wouldn't be suprised if this 'thing' is also a murderer.

Makes you wonder what the point of registering sex offenders is. Perhaps society should investigate other alternatives. Like chemical castration or, my favorite, sand blasting.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

beat them with a stick, string them up by the eye brows... disgusting pieces of filth, preying on kids...

Anonymous said...

oh i figured out how to do this without signing into blogger :D lol

Anonymous said...

We all pray for justice! Also, let's pray that the "authorities" recognize that there were at least 5 people involved (2 customers, manager, server & cook) in the capture of this monster and deserve the $100,000 reward distributed according to their LEVEL of involvement. Personally, I think the young man that saw Shasta FIRST, alerted staff and made the follow-up call to 911, should receive half of it. He was 'chosen' for this assignment and knew what to do and exactly how to do it. It was an amazing job-well-done that deserves an appropriate 'earthly' reward along with what he has already been blessed with!

Anonymous said...
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