Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Do you even know who you are calling?

In TR we were, for the most part, buffered from talking to the general public. The odd person would get through but it has been a while since I have spoken to a bonifide crayon.

But now I am back in Pro, where the idiots of this world need only smash their face down on the phone to reach me.

"Thank you for calling the Undisclosed Customer Service Center™ my name is blah blah blah..."

"Ya, I try and open my BrandName and it says no." She blathers on a mile a minute about how inconvenient this is that she can't open her BrandName.

I try and get clarification. "You try and open your BrandName what?" We have hundreds, if not thousands, of individual programs that have our BrandName on it. I need to narrow this shit down.

"MY BRANDNAME! MY BRANDNAME! AREN'T YOU LISTENING TO ME?" Are you listening to yourself?

"Mamme, Every single one of our thousands of software programs start with the words BRAND NAME, you need to tell me which product you are talking about."

"Oh, sorry, my BrandName Off.ice Wi.ndow.s version 6."
What the hell is that? Two different products neither of which come as version 6. I have no idea what the hell she is talking about.

"Are you reading this off the box?"

"Oh, for Christ sakes. The box just says Word Perfect."



Virginia Belle said...

oh. my. gawd.

i am so sorry you have to deal with such imbeciles. that is the saddest phone call i have ever heard. i probably would have hung up on her. my sympathies.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a PINK crayon to me :o)

Since I work in IT .. I know all there is to know about PC's - or so mmany people out there beleive! ..and therefore I get many 'friends' asking me questions.. in response to one.. I asked them if they turned off their computer, and said yes, and showed me how they did it... reaching over the pushing the button on the monitor .. "see now it's off - when I press agiain it re-boots".. this one I could fix.. next time I'll tell them to call support :O)

Evel said...

Just don't give them my number.

Anonymous said...

OR MINE! holy crap...lol